External Resources H-Z

The resources found on the AdsFoundation website include legislation passed by the UK (Westminster) Parliament.  This LINK from the UK government contains  information which can help you understand that legislation.

You can link from here to the following external law and ethics resources:

Health and Care Act 2022 including Integrated Care Systems

Health Inequalities

Health Professional Regulation

Human Rights

International Oaths and Declarations

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Code

Mental Health

Patient and Carer


AdsFoundation will be running a series of on-line workshops on healthcare law and ethics.  Please CONTACT US if you would like to be sent more information about these. 

We welcome your feedback on this and all our resources, including information of any additional resources we should include or any changes you think we should make to our existing resources. Please use the CONTACT US tab above to share your thoughts with us. Thank you

BACK TO Useful Links To External Resources Intro Page

FORWARD TO Health and Care Act including Integrated Care Systems Resources


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