Legal Advice Clinic
The Adam Bojelian Foundation CIC will soon run a legal advice clinic with advice provided by experienced advisors.
The clinic is free to access and advice will be provided on questions of healthcare law, human rights and employment law for patients, carers and health and social care staff.
The purpose of this clinic is to ensure you are aware of your rights, the relevant legislation and where appropriate relevant professional guidance, with the aim of preventing legal concerns escalating and leading to breakdowns in communication and potentially poor care.
The AdsFoundation does not at this stage take on case work, but if during your consultation if becomes clear you need more legal help than can be provide in your consultation with us, you will be sign posted to other organisations who can help you. This is a new service so AdsFoundation will keep under review demand and consider whether to extend the service we offer in future.
Your consultation will last a maximum of 45 minutes and to make the most of this time you will asked to provide a summary of your problem prior to your meeting.
The clinic will held each Monday except during August and December. If you can get to York and would like a face to face meeting, meetings can be face to face, otherwise they will be by telephone or zoom, which ever you prefer.
Appointments will start on Monday 23rd May and the form to book an appointment will be available on the AdsFoundation website from mid May.
The AdsFoundation is part of the LawWorks network.