

The fourth #WeEatWell Challenge #WeEatWell22 took place on Twitter throughout November 2022.  The theme of this year’s challenge was to improve the microbiome due to the huge positive impact this is now known to have on health and well-being.

Eager participants tweeted their healthy eating suggestions. We also shared educational videos and papers daily throughout the challenge for those who wanted to learn more.  As in previous years, there was a daily #OptionalExtraChallenge and recipes and meal suggestions were shared for those who wished to take part in the challenge. This year the daily challenges of legumes; eat a rainbow; spices; nuts and seeds; fruit and vegetables; fermented foods; and thrifty.  As always participants eagerly shared their meal ideas and enjoyed the mutual support and fun of supporting each other through the month.

Each evening a #TweetOfTheDay was announced, chosen for being inspiring, amusing or educational.

The competition for the most #TweetsOfTheDay and the prize of healthy treats was closely fought, but won by @StanleyLakeland a very worthy winner and first time participant.

We were pleased to receive really positive feedback for the challenge and participants already looking forward to #WeEatWell23. Participants told us they enjoyed taking part; it motivated them to eat healthily throughout November and they learnt a lot about the microbiome and its importance to health and well-being.

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