Literacy Resources & useful organisations

Adam with Michael Rosen at Edinburgh International Book Festival

Adam with Michael Rosen at Edinburgh International Book Festival


On this page we share links to literacy resources  third party organisations and links to useful child literacy related organisations:-

BBC teaching resources

These resources include:

  • How to create a comic;
  • Shakespeare teaching resources;
  • News and media literacy resources
  • World Book Day – live lesson; and
  • Nursery Rhymes

Find your local book shop

Use this link from the Booksellers  Association to find your local bookshop. You can chose the advance option and choose the type of bookseller you are seeking, for example children’s books.  Spending time browsing a good bookshop is a great way to spend a hour or so and can really spark a child’s love of books.

Find your local library

Using this link from you can find your local library in England and Wales. Put in your postcode and the website will take you directly to the library page of your local library. Most libraries have a children and young adult section and many run activities, especially during school holidays to promote a love of books.

Find your mobile library

Using this link from you can find your local mobile library (if you have one) in England and Wales. Put in your postcode and the website will take you directly to the library page of your local library.

Little Ripon Book Shop

The Little Ripon Book Shop is a beautiful independent bookshop in Ripon, Yorkshire, we at the AdsFoundation love to visit.  They also have an excellent on-line bookshop, for those of you who can’t get to Ripon, with a selection of books for children and young people Adam would definitely loved.

National Literacy Trust Resources

The National Literacy Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales and Scotland.

They provide free to access resources for teachers and for parents and families. The Trust ’empowers children, young people and adults with literacy skills to suceed’. They run a number of programmes to improve and promote literacy for all ages.

Read For Good

Read For Good is a national charity registered in England and Wales, and Scotland.

It supports school to run Readathons and supports reading for pleasure in schools. It also runs a hospital children’s library service in 30 UK hospitals across the UK. This service provides brand new books for children in hospital and resident story tellers.  Read For Good is one of two of the Adam Bojelian Foundation’s legacy charities, (all not-for-profit companies in the UK are required to nominate a legacy organisation).  This means should AdsFoundation close down at anypoint in the future, any assets held by AdsFoundation will be divided between Read For Good and the other organisation Kindred Scotland.

Adam was Read For Good’s first young ambassador and was instrumental in bringing their children’s hospital service to Leeds Teaching Hospital.

Seven Stories

Seven Stories is a national charity, free entry visitors centre and museum in Nrewcastle Upon Tyne dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating children’s books. It is also a great fun place for children to visit and meet their literary heroes.

The Book Trust

The Book Trust is the UK’s largest children’s reading charity. They work through every local authority, via children’s centres, schools, libraries and with health professionals, to reach families who often will not have easy access to books.

The Book Trust runs the Children’s Laureate, provide books to families and schools and run campaigns to promote reading as a regular and joyful activity.

The Children’s Literacy Charity

The Children’s Literacy Charity is a small charity registered in England and Wales. Its goal is to close the literacy gap for disadvantaged children, ‘making sure that those who are the most behind are not left behind’. Expert tutors work with children who are struggling in Literacy Labs. The children are supported in reading, writing, comprehension, listening and speaking.

The Queen’s Reading Room

The Queen’s Reading Room is Her Majesty Queen Camilla’s charity championing literature.  The website includes children’s books recommended by Her Majesty and prominent children’s authors such as Michael Mopurgo.

Westminster Government resources (apply in England)

Early years literacy resources

Reading comprehension

Exploring Words


Communication and language – Interactions

Communications and language – Exploring Language

Communication and language – Listening and Understanding

Welsh Government Resources

Welsh Government Literacy Resources


We welcome feedback on our resources and recommendations for additional UK resources we should add. Please do contact us using the CONTACT US tab above.

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