We work with health, social care & voluntary organisations & professionals, providing bespoke training in law, ethics & communication. We help you overcome any fear of law, improving staff & patient well-being. We also produce resources for you to use directly from our website & provide helpful links to key UK healthcare law & ethics & wider sources. Find out more about us, how we can help you and access all our resources & links using the tabs. Get in touch using the CONTACT US tab below. We very much welcome hearing from you.
NOTE: The NHS Constitution applies in England
Principle 2- Access to the NHS is based on clinical need not the ability to pay.
Principle 3- The NHS aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism.
Principle 4- The NHS aspires to put patients at the heart of everything it does.
Principle 5 – The NHS works across organisational boundaries and in partnership with other organisations in the interests of patients, local communities and the wider population.
Principle 6- The NHS is committed to providing best value for taxpayers money and the most effective, fair and sustainable use of finite resources.
Principle 7- The NHS is accountable to the public, communities and patients that it serves.
IMPORTANT: This film was made pre-Brexit but is included in the series for reference.
This right in the NHS Constitution now reads:
‘You have the right to authorisation for planned treatment in the EU under the UK EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement where you meet the relevant requirements.
You also have the right to authorisation for planned treatment in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein or Switzerland if you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement and you meet the relevant requirements.’
Source: Department of Health and Social Care, Guidance The NHS Constitution for England, updated 1 January 2021
Further information about the right to healthcare in the EU post Brexit can be found in this update for the NHS Confederation.
Learn with Dr Dog films are created purely for educational and training purposes to give a quick overview of an aspect of healthcare law and ethics in a fun and accessible way. They are not intended and should not be used as a source of legal advice. If you have a particular legal question, advice should be sort from a suitably qualified and experienced legal professional.
There is information on how to identify a suitable lawyer at the bottom of our resources for Parents and Carers page.
Ads Foundation provides ‘Learn with Dr. Dog’ films free of charge for educational and training use, but encourages those who can afford to do so to make a donation to the AdsFoundation to support our work.
AdsFoundation can also create bespoke Learn with Dr Dog short films for your organisation. For this service we charge a fee calculated taking into consideration both our time and your organisation’s ability to pay. Please CONTACT US if you would like to discuss this option further.
AdsFoundation will be running a series of on-line workshops on healthcare law and ethics. Please CONTACT US if you would like to be sent more information about these.
We welcome your feedback on this and all our resources, including information of any additional resources we should include or any changes you think we should make to our existing resources. Please use the CONTACT US tab above to share your thoughts with us. Thank you
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