Global Health Resources

Gostin, L, Sridhar, D, (2014) Global Health and the Law, N Eng J Med, 370:1732-1740

This article published in the New England Journal of Medicine gives an excellent overview of what Global Health law is and how it works. Although written in 2014 and so pre-COVID19, it is still an excellent starting point. You may recognise one of the authors names, as Professor Devi Sridhar from the University of Edinburgh, played a key role as an expert commentator for various media organisations during the COVID19 pandemic.

The World Health Organisation (WHO)

WHO is a specialist agency of the United Nations, founded in 1948 and responsible for international public health.  On its website you can read all about its constitution, history and work.

WHO International Health Regulations (2005)

“[T]o prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic
and trade.” (source WHO)

The Regulations apply to any “illness or medical condition, irrespective of origin or source, that presents or could present significant harm to humans”. They impose obligations on States to, among other things, develop minimum capacity to deal with outbreaks and obligations to report disease outbreaks.

The Right Health, Fact Sheet 31, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the World Health Organisation.

The right to health in international human rights law explained.

AdsFoundation will be running a series of on-line workshops on healthcare law and ethics.  Please CONTACT US if you would like to be sent more information about these. 

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