
Adam with a barrister wig and human rights text book

With the support of the NHS nationally, Adam Bojelian Memorial Talks have been held annually since 2016.

The talks, given by experts in their field, celebrate and share the values Adam advocated, promoting the best possible healthcare for patients, families and staff.

The talks are usually held at AdsPlace at the NHS Horizon Centre in Leeds. By hosting AdsTalks, the NHS shows that every voice matters and Adam’s contribution as a healthcare advocate was hugely valued.

Those chosen to talk each year are given the brief that their talk should be ‘inspired by Adam but not about him’. A hugely important part of the annual AdsTalks is the opportunity for delegates to join in an in-depth discussion of the issues raised by the speaker, sharing their own expertise and experience. AdsTalks are also known for their  practical outcomes, with positive changes in patient care being made as a direct result of the talk and discussions.

You can watch all the AdsTalks by clicking on the AdsFoundation Law and Ethics Resources tab. When available, you can also link to additional resources associated with each talk.

The 2025 Talk will be given by solicitor, expert in healthcare law and ethics and Adam’s mother Dr Zoe Picton-Howell.

Entitled ‘Law as the catalyst for optimum patient care and staff well-being not fear’ the talk explains that rather than being something to be feared and only to be turned to when things gone wrong, law properly understood is a catalyst for good patient care and staff well-being.

Thanks to Horizon Leeds who are again kindly hosting this event, which takes place on Monday 31st March, 12noon-3pm in central Leeds.

Admission is free and a free sandwich lunch is provided to all delegates.

To book your free place and learn more click on this link:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-2025-adam-bojelian-memorial-talk-with-dr-zoe-picton-howell-tickets-1076572500329?aff=oddtdtcreator


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