Other AdsFoundation Activities

The AdsFoundation has undertaken several smaller activities since is formation in 2020. The purpose of all these activities is the promotion of health/social care staff and patient well-being in keeping with the AdsFoundation’s aims and objectives.

Flier for twitter about #SaturdayZoom#SaturdayZoom

AdsFoundation funds and hosts #SaturdayZoom for health professionals who are part of the Twitter #EarlyRisersClub.

#SaturdayZoom is held on zoom and began at the start of the COVID19 global pandemic. Its purpose was to provide #EarlyRisersClub members with a safe space to meet for mutual support and friendship, whilst they faced the extreme challenges the global pandemic. For most of the pandemic AdsFoundation hosted #SaturdayZoom weekly, it is now hosted monthly.

WeEatWellLogo used on twitter#WeEatWellChallenge

During November 2021 & 2020 AdsFoundation hosted the #WeEatWellChallenge on Twitter. AdsFoundation director Dr Zoe Picton-Howell had hosted the original Twitter #WeEatWellChallenge in November 2019.  Inspired by the #WeCommunities #WeActiveChallenge which encourages and inspires health professionals and their supporters to be especially active during August, Zoe started the #WeActive Challenge, conscious that health eating is another important part, alongside being active, of maintaining good health.  Participants in the #WeEatWell Challenge are encouraged to share their healthy eating recipes and ideas on twitter. Zoe chooses a ‘tweet of the day’ each day and the participant with the most tweets of the day over the month wins a basket of health goodies donated by the AdsFoundation. As with the #WeActiveChallenge a side effect of the monthly challenge is the sense of a community having fun together and supporting each other, which the #WeEatWell Challenge creates. AdsFoundation will host #WeEatWell22 in November 2022.

Big orange sign saying The Adam Bojelian Bookcase in white lettersDonation of Books to Read For Good

Read for Good is one of the two charities who AdsFoundation has nominated to receive our locked in assets, should at any point in the future the AdsFoudation ceases to exist. This is a legal requirement for all Community Interest Companies.

Adam had particularly close relationships with both the companies we have chosen (the legal requirement is to chose at least one), the other being Kindred Scotland.

Read for Good embody so much of what Adam valued, a love of literature and enhancing healthcare. Adam was their Ambassador, he was also instrumental in bringing their hospital service to Leeds Teaching Hospital, a service which continues to this day.

Each year the AdsFoundation will make a donation of books to Read for Good for their children’s hospital service. In January 2021 we donated 30 copies (one for every hospital in the UK where Read For Good have a library service) of David Olusoga’s book ‘Black and British: A short essential history’. We chose that book because we know it is a book Adam would have loved to have read. He was passionate about equality and rights and his ambition was to study modern history at university. We also chose it because Adam recognised the importance books being available in hospital libraries for young people (very often hospital activities are targeted at younger children) and children from minority groups. Adam said ‘books are as important as doctors when you are in hospital, one looks after your body and the other looks after your soul‘.

A pile of Hairy Maclary booksDonation of Books to Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Children & Young People

Adam received outstanding treatment and care from the neurology team at Edinburgh Children’s Hospital whilst living in Edinburgh from 2001-2013. As a small token of thanks in recognition of this #AdsFoundation donated a series of Hairy Maclary books, one of Adam’s favourite books when he was very young.

AdsHeroes Awards badgeAdsHeroes Awards

AdsFoundation adopted the AdsHeroes Awards in December 2019. The AdsHeroes Awards have been awarded each December since 2015.  Adam had planned to hold the awards as the antidote to the high cost award ceremonies often seen at that time.  Sadly Adam did not live to start the awards, so his family started them in his honour shortly following his death. AdsHeroes awards a designed to be low cost and to recognise people, often those who might otherwise be overlooked, who illustrate via Twitter that they live the values Adam aspired to. There are six AdsHeroes Awards.

Working Together Hero; Respect & Dignity Hero; Quality of Care Hero; Everyone Counts Hero; Compassion Hero; and Improving Lives Hero

AdsHeroes Awards will be awarded by the AdsFoundation via Twitter, again in December 2021. If you have any recommendations for anyone who should be recognised with an AdsHero award, let us know using the CONTACT US tab above.

The criteria for each award winner is that their twitter feed over the year should show that they genuinely are live the values the award suggests.

You can see all past winners of the AdsHeroes Awards on the next page, using the link below.

BACK TO Who We Work With

FORWARD TO AdsHeroes Award Winners

AdsFoundation Logo showing Adam with his Gold Blue Peter Badge

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